Important information and tips for completing this online form:
- The online form contains rules aligned to the national medical standards for licensing - Austroads Assessing Fitness to Drive (AFTD) guidelines. The rules assist you to complete the form against established medical criteria.
- The Vision and Recommendations sections are mandatory .
- If your patient has provided you with the VicRoads letter, you will find the VicRoads case number and the VicRoads reference or licence number on the top left-hand corner. If you enter these numbers into the ‘Patient Details’ section, it will pre-populate some customer information for you.
- You can select the medical categories relevant to your patient upfront and only review these medical conditions.
- If you close your browser or the form times out (after 60 mins), it will save completed pages as a draft, and you can access the draft later and resubmit within 30 days. Drafts will be removed after 30 days.
- You can download a pdf copy of the report immediately after you submit the completed report.
- Your AHPRA number and Date of Birth are used to validate your registration as a health practitioner. Your Date of Birth is not stored or retained by VicRoads.
- You can attach supporting documents on the attachment page.
- If you have any information about a medical condition that is not listed in this form, you can add this on the ‘additional comments’ section.
- If you would like assistance with completing this form, the national medical standards for licensing or the VicRoads Medical Review process, please contact the VicRoads Medical Review team via email [email protected] or call (03) 8391 3226 between 8AM and 5PM (Mon-Fri).
Breakdown of sections within the online form:
Sign up/Log in
You will need to create an account using your name, AHPRA number, DOB, email address and mobile number, which will be used for multi factor authentication (MFA). After you have created your account, all subsequent log ins will require you to enter your email address, password and MFA token (sent to your mobile). You will not need to re-enter your AHPRA number or DOB for subsequent log ins, as authentication will be done in the background.
Progress bar
You will find a progress bar at the top of the page with all the form sections. The progress bar is a visual indicator of how far along you are in the form.
Practitioner details
You will be required to complete this section for the first time you use the form. All other times, the Online Medical Report will remember the details you last entered. You will also have the ability to edit your details if they change.
The practitioner details section captures:
- Your name
- Practice name and address – so we can contact you if we need to clarify anything in the report submitted
- Contact number OR email address – if you provide us with your email address, we will send you a reminder of when draft reports are about to expire.
- Your qualifications
This information is required so that we can:
- Confirm you are a registered health practitioner
- Know your practice details to contact you if we need to clarify anything in the report submitted
Patient details
The patient details section captures relevant personal and medical information about your patient who is the subject of the medical report. To ensure the report is attached to the correct VicRoads driver record, we need your help to either:
- Enter the VicRoads case number and the VicRoads reference or licence number (found on the top left-hand corner of the VicRoads letter sent to your patient). If you enter these numbers at the top of the ‘Patient Details’ section, the form will automatically pre-populate some customer information. This saves time, facilitates validation that the records match up and prepopulates with information about the patient’s medical conditions previously advised to VicRoads (only conditions are listed, no clinical data is provided).
- If you do not have the patient’s VicRoads letter/details, check the box to advise us that you do not have this information. You will then need to complete the patient details manually by entering their name, address and date of birth. Accuracy is vital to ensure the report is attached to the correct VicRoads driver record.
The assessment details section is where you are required to record the patients’ medical information. You can select the medical conditions that are relevant to your patient upfront and only review these medical conditions. There is also an additional comments section at the end for you to add additional information about the patient (e.g. compliance with treatment, patient insight, medical conditions that are not listed in the form). Please remember to apply the Austroads Assessing Fitness to Drive (AFTD) guidelines for the relevant licence type– Private or Commercial. (See below for more information about these standards).
The assessment sections on the ‘medical report for GP’s and specialist’ are:
- Vision (mandatory)
- Blackouts
- Cardiovascular conditions
- Diabetes
- Hearing loss (commercial drivers only)
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Dementia or other cognitive impairments
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Other neurological conditions
- Mental health
- Sleep disorders
- Drugs and driving
- Substance misuse
- Additional comments
The assessment sections on the ‘eyesight report’ are:
- Vision (mandatory)
- Additional comments
The attachment section gives you the ability to attach supporting documentation that is relevant to the patient’s fitness to drive. If you do not wish to attach any documents, select ‘No’.
The recommendation section is mandatory. You must complete this section with your recommendation about the patient’s medical fitness to drive. You may find that you cannot select some options as we have built in business rules that align with Austroads Assessing Fitness to Drive (AFTD) guidelines.
- Recommendation for Private licence standard - you must complete this section for all your patients.
- Recommendation for Commercial licence standard – you must complete this section if the patient holds, or is applying for, a commercial licence (for details of when commercial standards apply – see below). If a ‘yes’ has been selected in the ‘Patient details’ to holding a commercial licence or applying for a commercial licence, then this section will be mandatory to complete.
This section was created so that you can review the report you have completed, before you submit the final report to VicRoads. If you would like to make any changes at this stage, you can select the ‘Edit this section’ button that is next to the section you would like to edit, to go back and make changes. If you are satisfied that all relevant sections are completed, you may proceed by selecting the ‘Submit this assessment’ button and the report will be submitted to VicRoads.
Assessment Complete
Once you have submitted the Online Medical Report. You can download a pdf version of the form and obtain a report reference number for your records. You can also find contact details for the VicRoads Medical Review Team.
When should the "Private standards" be applied?
Private standards are relevant when a driver is applying for or holding a licence class C (car), R (motorcycle) or LR (light rigid) unless the driver is also applying for an authority to (or is already authorised to) use the vehicle for carrying public passengers for hire or reward or for carrying dangerous goods, or, in some jurisdictions, for a driving instructor. If the patient is applying for a motorcycle licence, please consider the higher physical demands required for this type of vehicle (e.g. balance, co-ordination, strength).

When should the "Commercial standards" be applied?
These apply for:
• drivers of ‘heavy vehicles’ – those holding or applying for a licence of class MR (medium rigid), HR (heavy rigid), HC (heavy combination) or MC (multiple combination)
• drivers carrying public passengers for hire or reward (bus drivers, taxi drivers, chauffeurs, drivers of hire cars and small buses, etc.)
• drivers carrying dangerous goods
• drivers subject to requirements for Basic or Advanced Fatigue Management under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme
• other driver categories who may also be subject to the commercial vehicle standards as a result of certification requirements